Join CCC

Collaboration. Engagement. Growth.

Why join the Connecticut Career Consortium?

A CCC membership gives you access to programs, events, and resources designed to support you and your organization’s development:

  • Monthly meetings, held virtually through Zoom video conference for the convenience of members throughout the State, to update members on the status of ongoing initiatives and engage in conversations about best practices and current issues effecting the industry.

  • Spring Professional Development Conference, held in a central location or online to provide training to university and industry staff on current trends, best practices, and collaborative opportunities.

  • Collaborative programming events such as the CT Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology Fair


Membership Types - 2024/2025 Academic Year

 EIN 80-0374803  Dues for the period July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025

Student Membership - Free (Email us at with a copy of your current resume)

Individual Membership - $100.00

Institutional Membership - $250



If you need to submit an invoice to pay by check, please download our invoice and instructions HERE.

If you are paying online, we also need you to provide contact information for each of your new members. Please email the contact information for each staff/faculty that will be included in the membership to

We need the following information: 

 NAME(S): 

 TITLE(S): 




 FAX: